
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.
Haunted Posers on the Path to Redemption by Devon Hoffman

Haunted Posers on the Path to Redemption by Devon Hoffman

Once upon a time, people cared about hipsters enough to loathe them. Knowing I was at risk to take the identity myself, I made sure not to move to a gentrified neighborhood in Portland. I didn’t drink craft beer. I can’t grow facial hair, so that saved me from the...

A Strong Person is Everywhere by Devon Hoffman

A Strong Person is Everywhere by Devon Hoffman

I worked for a year as an Americorps Volunteer at the Kha’Po Community School at Santa Clara Pueblo. The school had just changed its name to the pueblo’s Tewa title, which reflected the recent change in their funding and governing structure. Instead of BIA...

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